When Kate was student at St. Andrews university, she was one of the 40 original founding members of the Lumsden Club, which aims to support women's issues and donates funds to women's and children's charities. The Lumsden Club does still exist at the University.
'Don't Walk Charity Fashion Show'
Her first charity appearance in a see-through lingery dress at the fashion show at her university where she was rumoured to met William's eye who was sitting in the front row:

(this is not William)
pictures: Getty images
Dragon Boat Race with the first soley female crew called: The Sisterhood
During the break-up in 2007 Kate was briefly with the sisterhood and trained for the dragon boat race for only 3 months.
Two weeks before the race on August 25, she has told the rest of the team she will no longer take part in the event. The 21-strong crew, and is now reported to be extremely upset andccording to The Daily Mail, her crew mates are dismayed that the decision was not taken sooner. Read more: telegraph.co.uk
She is friends with team leader Emma Sayle. Who got involved (of course) in very dubious stuff...is hosting private xxx-parties for wealthy people. -remember the Killing Kittens XXX-party? read more: Kate Middleton's chum Emma Sayle and the sex party house
During her rowing with the sisterhood Kate acted as if she would be in the middle of a photoshooting: -with her open hair flying in the wind, smiling directly into the camera, easily steering the boat -while the other girls were rowing their arms off. Kate's job was on the tiller: While the other girls paddle furiously, it was her job to steer, and to shout instructions.
BIG PICTURES/Bauer-Griffin
Then William and Waity Katie came back together and suddenly Kate dropped them right before the race. Kate dropped out of it saying that the paparazzi would bother her and that there were security issues. People say that Clarence House would have suggested Kate to drop out -so she wouldn't be in the limelight- (Again William's side would prevent Kate from doing charity or working) BUT William himself was in a dragon boat team at Eton and Princess Anne and Zara Philips were allowed to compete in (very public) horse trials.(The Sisterhood then raised over £100,000 for charity that summer and were glad to recieve the media attention from Kate. The girls later posed naked with body paintig for a calender)
80's themed Roller Disco
And lets not forget the desastrous Roller Disco where Kate lay on the floor sprawling her legs apart! Again Kate was one out of 23 people organizing the event. A group of people founded a charity organization for their classmate Thomas Waley-Cohen from St. Andrews University, who died from bone cancer in 2004 at the age of 20. They collected around £25,000 for a ward of a hospital.
The bloke who tried to get Waity Katie off the dancefloor was Sam Waley-Cohen: the brother of the dead cancer patient!

After this Kate was even portrayed on television spreading her legs:
There was another charity she went at a church last December. (During the week -thought she had to work, what was she doing in London) It is being said she tried to smuggle booze into the church:
http://starcasm.net/Kate Middleton smuggeling booze into church
Photo: Fame Pictures
~Please note this list is not complete. I am working on it <3
My opinion
Kate never seems to take any charity seriously. It's about helping others who can't help themselves and not about Kate having fun and improving her image. What a pity Kate did not go through with the dragon boat race. It was the only charity that did not involve a party and alcohol. I was pleased to read about that at the time and thought that at last, she's doing something worthwhile with her time. But in the end it seems clear, that she took part of the boat race -not because she likes to row, but because she needed the media attention and droped out the moment she got what she wanted! It seems as if Kate never actually cared about anything unless it helps her agenda.
The press has a habit of crediting Kate with things she hasn't done or exaggerated her involvement with other charity events like the Boodles Boxing Ball or the Starlight event. Her parents company bought tickets for a table at the Starlight Event but not Kate. Yes she showed up and drank champagne and didn't interact with the kids but that is all. She has been credited with hosting the table herself and the media spoke of her charitable nature, blabla.
I believe that if she will ever become a member of the royal family she has to learn to give people the impression she actually gives a shit about them.
regarding the Roller Disco event:
I don't blame her for falling to the floor on skates, neither do I go along with the theories that she did not wear knickers. When Kate lay on the floor sprawling her legs apart the side of the hot pants revealed the spot between her legs. The same goes for her sprawling in the car where she leaned back and opened her legs. I honestly believe she wore skin coloured panties. But what I criticize is the way she carried herself the whole evening.
I remember the time.... We were all so exited because William suddenly decided to change his career and went to another minimum of 3 years of training. Everybody was talking about Kate and that she apparently didn't know about his plans... people said she would be totally miserable and sulky, when suddenly *BANG she appeared grinning and screaming at the scene. Dancing and sprawling in her glitter outfit like "Look at ME! Here! I'm happy!"
regarding the Roller Disco event:
I don't blame her for falling to the floor on skates, neither do I go along with the theories that she did not wear knickers. When Kate lay on the floor sprawling her legs apart the side of the hot pants revealed the spot between her legs. The same goes for her sprawling in the car where she leaned back and opened her legs. I honestly believe she wore skin coloured panties. But what I criticize is the way she carried herself the whole evening.
I remember the time.... We were all so exited because William suddenly decided to change his career and went to another minimum of 3 years of training. Everybody was talking about Kate and that she apparently didn't know about his plans... people said she would be totally miserable and sulky, when suddenly *BANG she appeared grinning and screaming at the scene. Dancing and sprawling in her glitter outfit like "Look at ME! Here! I'm happy!"